Lack of Pole Dancing Motivation?
Even with the best intentions you can pack your bag, make your way to your pole class and decide what moves you want to try but still get frustrated, have no energy and ultimately want to give up trying. Some days are just harder on the pole than others and some days it’s a struggle and on days like that it is important to make the most out of the time that you have – especially if you have travelled there, paid for a class or even booked time out of your day. You will feel better for doing something with your time rather than give up.
Positively Motivate Yourself 
Think positively. If you are trying out moves for the first time or are going over moves that you have only just managed to do, it is important to remind yourself that you are improving. Everyone started out as a beginner at one point and everyone had to go through the struggle of learning moves. Some moves are more difficult than others so remember that if you are in a class surrounded by people who can do that move do not panic. There will be moves that they struggle with and your pole dancing is personal to you so focus on yourself.
Take a break. If you are struggling with a move and getting frustrated it is important to take a break. Try a move that requires using different muscles for strength as it will give your body a rest and time to regain strength so that you can try again. If a V invert is a struggle try a pole sit. If a shoulder mount is tough try a gemini plank.
Go back to your strengths. It is important to remind yourself how well you are doing. Take some time to go over moves and spins that you are more confident with. Remember how you felt when you were first learning this move, how proud you were when you got it for the first time and how you feel now that you have mastered it.
A bit of inspiration: The day that I was struggling with a shoulder mount after being able to do it confidently for a number of weeks was the day I did the gemini plank for the first time.Learn in a different way. If you still want to learn in your lesson go back to spins and moves that you have previously learnt and then try either using just one hand or using your weaker hand as your stronger hand. In this way you are doing a move that you already know but you are improving your strength, ability and confidence by using your other hand.
Don’t give up!
If you are really struggling with your pole dancing motivation and just want to go home you can still help your dancing improve without really using the pole.
Stretching is a key part of any physical training. Regular stretching will improve flexibility and help to prevent injury. As a pole dancer you will need to make sure that you keep your back, neck and shoulders mobile as you are likely to build up tension in your back which can easily lead to a lack of mobility. As well as stretching as you would in any dance class there are also pole specific stretches to include at the end of any work out.
Legs. An important part of stretching your legs is to improve your flexibility which is very imperative when it comes to higher level moves.
Splits. The more you practise the splits the closer to the ground you will get every time. While you might not want to be able to do the splits it is important for certain moves on the pole. More obvious moves include the Banana Splits and the Split Heel Pose. Less obvious ones are the Split V, Cupid and Post Spin where you do not need to be able to do the splits, but leg flexibility does help.
Stretch: Stand with your feet together and take a step forward with your dominant leg. Place your hands on the floor and take most of your weight onto your hands. From this position slowly inch your feet apart until you can go no further. Slowly lift your body up and down to increase the stretch, breathing out when you are pushing down. Either jump your feet together or lean to one side to come out of this stretch. Repeat with the other leg in front. One way will be easier than the other and both may feel like you are not getting any closer but if you do this every day you will shortly see and feel an improvement.
Back. It is very important to stretch out your back every time you work out on the pole.
Top Back Stretch: Stand facing the pole with your feet shoulder width apart and place both hands low on the pole. Walk your feet backwards until your back is stretched out, completely flat in line with your arms. You should feel a stretch across your back. For a more intense stretch move your feet towards the pole but keep your bum away from the pole as much as possible.
General Back Stretch: Stand with your back against the pole with your hands behind your head as if you were going to do a shoulder mount. Slowly walk your legs backwards so that your feet are either side of the pole. If you feel any pain to your back you must stop. When you can not move your feet back any more hold the stretch. For a more intense stretch look towards the ceiling.
Shoulders and Back. You will need to keep your upper back mobile which can get particularly difficult after completing many inverts. Swimming will considerably loosen up your back – this must be front crawl rather than breast stroke. If you do not have time to swim and easy alternative is arms rotations.
Arm Rotations. Put both hands stretched out in front of you. Rotate your arms in forward circles 5 times. Then rotate yours arms in backwards circles 5 times. To also work on your coordination try to rotate one arm forwards and one arm backwards.
Whenever you struggle think back to when you first started and how far you have come since then. All pole dancing takes time. There would be not point learning if you could master every pole dancing move perfectly in a few weeks. Think back to every time you have felt proud from learning a move and how you want to have that feeling again.
If you are struggling to find motivation take a look at our Glossary at for some inspiration for new moves. If you have any questions you can always contact us at [email protected]. Keep happy and keep poling.
Love the winstone churchill quote “If you are going through hell, keep going.”